Tag: Windows 10

Reading Time: 4 minutes

While there are many ways to make sure your server is as secure as possible, there are some basic steps that we can take to increase security. Users with a Linux server can change their SSH port to something other than the default port (22). The steps listed below, outline this task providing steps to enable this change.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

What is a Hosts File?

The hosts file is a local plain text file that maps servers or hostnames to IP addresses. This file has been in use since the time of ARPANET. It was the original method to resolve hostnames to a specific IP address. The hosts file is usually the first process in the domain name resolution procedure. Here is an example of a hosts file entry.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

What is PyCharm?

PyCharm is a widely used IDE or integrated development environment for Python, which can run on Windows, Linux, or macOS. This cross-platform, application, combined with its being open-source, has caused PyCharm to be one of the fastest-growing IDEs since its development in 2010. PyCharm comes in two flavors: community edition or professional. 

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

A Virtual Environment or a "venv" is a Python module that creates a unique environment for each task or project. It installs the packages we need that are unique to that setting while keeping your projects neatly organized. Additionally, venv never actually modifies the system’s default Python versions or modules that are installed on the system. Using venv essentially allows for a unique working environment while avoiding any disruptions to other variants of Python that are used, but not related to our project.

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Reading Time: 6 minutes

What is OpenSSH?

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OpenSSH is an open-source utility developed by The OpenBSD Project. SSH stands for "Secure SHell." This service encrypts traffic on both ends, eliminating security risks from hackers or eavesdroppers. It can be used for remote operations like file transfers and offers key-based passwordless authentication. In this tutorial, we will demonstrate how to harness the power of SSH's on your Windows server to send basic remote commands and transfer files using password authentication.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

What Is Minikube?

Minikube is the name of a software program written in Go, which can build a local Kubernetes cluster on a single host. It uses a meager amount of resources to run a mini Kubernetes deployment. Minikube is mainly used for testing purposes using different scenarios or versions of Kubernetes

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