Tag: WHM

In our Knowledge Base, you'll find thousands of how-to's articles. Our WHM section, we walk you through a variety of tasks with straightforward and easy to follow tutorials.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Domain Name System, or DNS, is a complex system to understand, but cPanel has simplified the administration of DNS by adding it to the WHM interface. One of the most common tasks involved with administrating DNS is updating an A record. A records are one of the most common DNS entries, and cPanel makes updating them easy.
This article assumes that you are running BIND on a Linux server, that you already have an understanding of what DNS is, the different types of DNS entries, and how DNS works. Please note: The incorrect editing of your zone file can take your site offline. All editing must be done on the authoritative nameservers for the given domain.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

In this guide, we will walk you through the process of changing a domain's Mail Exchange (MX) record(s) to point email at a different VPS server. MX records are a critically important part of a website's DNS because they tell the rest of the internet where to send email for a domain.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

The word cPanel can mean a couple of different things. cPanel is the name of the company and software that can be installed to manage a web server. cPanel is also used to refer to a domain’s cPanel, meaning the cPanel interface for a specific domain.

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Using SFTP and SCP Instead of FTP

Posted on by Jay Allen | Updated:
Reading Time: 3 minutes

One simple way to improve your Linux server’s security is to use SFTP or SCP instead of regular FTP.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

Resolvers are a form of DNS server that usually exist on a local network (such as the one your ISP operates to connect you to the internet) and handle all DNS requests from the computers that using the network.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

Setting up your own private nameservers on a cPanel server has many benefits, most importantly enabling all of cPanel’s built-in DNS tools which can make DNS changes much easier.

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Reading Time: 8 minutes

Installing a new SSL certificate for a website can be a tedious, time-consuming task. Because SSL certificates serve such a vital purpose (securing a website for things like stores, banks, etc), we must pay close attention when setting them up to ensure that every detail is 100% correct.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

On a VPS server or Dedicated server, the cPanel control panel does have some built-in functions to assist in creating and managing account backups. These backups are done on an account level basis and only backup accounts created via cPanel.

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Reading Time: 6 minutes

What is a Backup? 

A data backup is a duplicate record of the information on a computer or server. It is typically stored in an external hard drive, cloud drive, or other off-site location. It is primarily used to restore the original information after a data loss event or other computer error.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

While no substitute for your own offsite backups, cPanel backups are extremely useful for recovering data in certain situations.

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