Tag: History

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Server Overview

The Server Overview in manage is the launch pad for the rest of the Manage functionality. Each active server is listed in the overview, and grouped according to the type of server it is.

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Reading Time: 7 minutes

Have you ever wanted to review past updates or roll back an update that broke your sites or negatively affected some aspect of your server’s operations? Well, you can accomplish this easily by using the yum history command.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

The History tab in your Cloud Sites control panel provides a historical list of the accounts previous tasks and actions. Here you can review a history of completed tasks such as: account creation and removals, creating new websites, creating FTP users, removing account resources and more.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes
7 Extremely Useful Linux Commands for Beginners

ls : What's in This Directory?

The command ls stands for list directory contents. And, cleverly, it will do just that: list a directory's contents! Using it with -F will give a list of the directories contents, and denote items that are other directories with a trailing /.

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