Tag: DNS

Reading Time: 3 minutes

PowerDNS (pdns) is an open source authoritative DNS server that works as an alternative to traditional BIND (named) DNS. PowerDNS offers better performance and has minimal memory requirements. PowerDNS also works with many supporting backends ranging from simple zone files to complex database setups as well as various SQL platforms (Mysql, MariaDB, Oracle, PostgreSQL).

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

When using custom name servers, it is essential to update the DNS in cPanel/WHM, doing so, is a component of hosting your own DNS. To use custom name servers, you must update the nameservers at your domain’s registrar to match your Liquid Web server’s hostname. If you are unsure how to do this, you can see how in our article Setting Up Private Name servers in WHM/cPanel. It is critical to have created a cPanel account and to add the domain to your WHM panel, if you haven’t already,  follow our article, How To: Create a cPanel Account in WHM.  Additionally, access to your registrar’s control panel is necessary to update the name servers. If you are questioning who your registrar is, learn how to locate where your domain’s DNS is by following the instructions in our article, Where Is My DNS Hosted?

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

In order to simplify your website management and to receive speedy DNS support, including restoration of website service during DDoS attacks, we recommend you move your website DNS name server records to Liquid Web. You will still have full control to add and modify your DNS records at any time.

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What is DNSSEC?

Posted on by Kevin Murphy
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Domain Name System Security Extensions or DNSSEC signs DNS Record Sets (RRsets) at each DNS zone level. This allows one to verify the DNS record they are receiving has not been altered.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

Adding a DNS Zone

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What Are Glue Records?

Posted on by Helpful Humans of Liquid Web | Updated:
Reading Time: 5 minutes

What is a Glue Record?

As we learned in our article What Are Domains?, a domain is associated with an IP address. That IP directs visitors to the correct location on the Internet that hosts your website and its contents. In the same way, glue records or nameserver glue records, link a nameserver on the internet to an IP address. When a DNS request is made for an IP address of a specific domain, it's queried at the registrar. The registrar will provide any information that it has for the DNS. If there is a glue record, it is presented as the place to look for any DNS zones.

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Reading Time: < 1 minute

When you host at Liquid Web you can use our DNS servers to manage all of your domains. Even the ones you bought through other registrars.

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What Are Domains?

Posted on by Libby White | Updated:
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Domains create your address on the internet. When you own a domain, you can tell people to go to the URL mysite.com and they will see whatever content you’ve associated with that domain. Every domain name is matched to an IP address and follows the Domain Name System (DNS).

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Reading Time: 3 minutes
Note: The instructions in this tutorial are for the Managed WordPress portal client, these instructions do not apply if you have a Liquid Web WordPress Server Optimized Template account.

Going live with your site is the last step in the process of migrating your WordPress sites into Liquid Web’s Managed WordPress portal. These instructions are for domains pointed to our DNS. To check where your name servers are pointed to visit this DNS checker and input your domain name.  If your name servers point to ns.liquidweb.com and ns1.liquidweb.com you can continue on the tutorial.  Otherwise, you’ll want to update your A record’s IP with the outside name servers.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

A domain alias is an alternate name for a website. A common use for domain aliases is so mysite.com and mysite.net show the same information. It’s easy to set up domain aliases in Cloud Sites.

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