Tag: deleting

Reading Time: 2 minutes

PostgreSQL (pronounced “post-gress-Q-L”) is a household name for open source relational database management systems.

Its object-relational meaning that you’ll be able to use objects, classes in database schemas and the query language.  In this tutorial, we will be demonstrating some essentials like creating, listing and deleting a database.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Want to clean up your WordPress site without having to add multiple plugins? By using WP-CLI, you can run many useful commands to helpfully clean up your database and elements related to your site. In this post, many of the most common tasks are covered:

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

Managing who has access to your server, and what type of access that person is an important part of server administration. This article will address multiple areas relating to user accounts on the Windows operating system. It assumes your Windows Server is on a “Workstation” and not a part of an Active Directory domain. The process for resetting an Active Directory user account is different and out of scope for this article.

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