Tag: Clusters

Reading Time: 9 minutes

The hosting world’s bread & butter solution for providing high availability and redundancy is load balancing. There are many different use cases for a Load Balancer (LB). It is important to know how to effectively manage your LB configuration so that it performs optimally in your environment.  The proceeding article will review some of the common practices that, when adhered to, provide a smooth and seamless high availability website/application through the use of load balancing.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

What is RBAC?

Kubernetes Role-Based Access Control or the (RBAC) system describes how we define different permission levels of unique, validated users or groups in a cluster. It uses granular permission sets defined within a .yaml file to allow access to specific resources and operations.

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Reading Time: 6 minutes

What is Cloud Block Storage?

Cloud Block Storage provides additional hard drive space for your Private Cloud Hosted Server with just a few clicks. The space is not pre-formatted but rather, it is a raw block device. The simplicity of providing a raw block device on the cloud means that you can mount and format the space on your server however you would like, with whatever filesystem is appropriate for your needs. This does entail a small amount of work getting the space into a usable state which we will address in this article.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

Load balancing is the distribution of a workload across many nodes. In the web hosting industry, it is typically used for balancing HTTP traffic over multiple servers acting together as a web front-end. For the sake of this article, we will focus on the balancing of HTTP and HTTPS traffic through a Zeus Load Balancer.

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