Author: Helpful Humans of Liquid Web

Reading Time: < 1 minute

What is a Service Mesh?

A service mesh is a layer of communication and control between applications or microservices and the network stack they typically communicate over. This layer controls communication and helps microservices share data. This service-to-service interaction is governed by logic built into the service mesh layer. Simply put, microservices are small or partial applications, or individual functions, and the network stack is the physical networking layer.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

With the recent release of cPanel & WHM version 58 there has been the addition of an AutoSSL feature, this tool can be used to automatically provide Domain Validated SSL’s for domains on your WHM & cPanel servers.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Maldet, a free popular malware scanning software for Linux servers, can be used to scan an entire server for potentially malicious files. Properly configured and monitored, it can even be used to disable or fully remove malware when it is detected. However, the removal of files should only be configured once you are certain no false positives will be picked up in the scans.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

In order to simplify your website management and to receive speedy DNS support, including restoration of website service during DDoS attacks, we recommend you move your website DNS name server records to Liquid Web. You will still have full control to add and modify your DNS records at any time.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Our email hosting service takes the pain out of setting up email within a VPS.  You get your own space, separate from your VPS server to do simple tasks like setting up a domain to have email.  If you haven’t already explored the features of our Premium Business Email, we offer robust services like Microsoft Exchange that over up to 1 TB worth of space!  Alternatively, if you are looking for something smaller, our Standard and Plus mail service may fit your needs with 25 GB worth of space. Check out how straightforward it is to delete a domain from our user-friendly control panel.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

How mod_deflate works

When a visitor accesses a website, a request is made to the web server for a specific kind of data. An example might be a home page of a site. Next, the web server locates that data and delivers it to the client who is requesting that data – basically back to the web browser.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Our Resellers are required to:

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

Adding a DNS Zone

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Remote Desktop Protocol or RDP provides access to your Windows Server’s operating system from your desktop, workstation machine, mobile device or laptop. The connection to your server will be encrypted and it offers some enhancements that allow you to attach local drives and devices.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

Over the years WHMCS has made some changes to where it stores certain directories, specifically directories outside of public_html. The goal of this is to increase overall security by moving sensitive files to a more protected location. While this change does help to improve WHMCS security, it also adds a few steps of complexity.

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