How To Use Your Website To Grow Your Social Media Following

Posted on by Mayra Pena
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Are you looking to boost your social media engagement and followers in 2020?

We rarely come across a business who isn’t trying to grow their social media following and increase engagement on their preferred social media platforms. Social media is where your clients and customers are spending their time, which means that where you need to be too — and it’s not enough to have an account, you need to be active and show engagement.

The bad news is that as a business owner, social media adds one more responsibility to your plate, in addition to running your business, serving your clients and customers, managing your website, handling SEO, and creating new content for your blog.

The good news is that you can use your website and blog posts to increase visibility for your social media accounts, gain new followers, and encourage engagement from your audience without a lot of extra effort or time.

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Here are five ways to get started.

5 Ways To Use Your Website To Improve Social Media Engagement

social sharing icons are crucial for social media engagement

1. Social Sharing Icons

Whether at the top, along the side, or at the end, every blog post and shareable page on your site should include social sharing icons for your most active social media sites and a call to action to encourage visitors to share your content.

2. Social Profile Links

Include icons that link to your social media profiles in the footer of your website and on your about page and contact page. These icons must be on your site so visitors can find them. But, because profile icons don’t generate a specific result like a share, they should always play a backseat role to the content and social sharing icons.

3. Publish Original Content On Social Media Sites

Take advantage of platforms like LinkedIn, where you can publish original articles, then get double the ROI by promoting, featuring, and linking to those articles on your website and blog.

publish original content and embed social media posts

4. Embed Your Social Media Posts

Did you know that you can easily embed posts from Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, as well as YouTube videos on your website or blog? Consider posting about a topic you plan to blog about in advance, then embed your social post in the blog post.

If it gets likes and comments before you publish your blog post, even better—that will provide added social proof. Similarly, if a social post goes viral or gets A LOT of traction, use it as inspiration in a blog post and embed the original post for new visitors.

5. Promote Your Social Media Activities

Doing a Facebook live? Live streaming on YouTube? Participating in a Twitter Chat? Going live in Instagram? Promote live or important events happening on your website to increase viewership! Consider adding a notification bar like HelloBar to the top of your site announcing what you’re up to or use OptinMonster to add a temporary pop-up to share your activities with new visitors.

Expand Your Brand

As you can see, each of these tips can be implemented without a lot of effort or technical knowledge, which means you can take action and start seeing improved results today.

What’s even better is that you can apply these tips to sharing and promoting other people too! Align yourself with smart people and brands in your niche by sharing their content on your website and embedding their posts to start conversations.

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About the Author

Mayra Pena

Mayra Pena, is the Communications Manager at Liquid Web and has over 10 years of experience in technology. Her passion is being a Helpful Human by creating and sharing valuable content for the Liquid Web community.

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